So, you’re curious about whether you’re having a boy or a girl before your ultrasound? While the most reliable method is an ultrasound around 20 weeks into your pregnancy, there are some theories out there that people use to guess. Let’s take a look at some of these fun methods:
1. Nausea and Breast Tenderness
There’s a theory that if you’re feeling really nauseous and your breasts are extra tender, you might be having a girl. This idea comes from a Stanford study suggesting that higher estrogen levels, which can be associated with carrying a girl, might lead to these symptoms.
2. Melasma and Skin Changes
Another fun theory is that if you’re noticing dark patches on your skin or stretch marks, you might be having a boy. Johns Hopkins researchers suggest that higher testosterone levels, which could be linked to a baby boy, might cause these skin changes.
3. Food Cravings:Here’s a tasty theory: if you’re craving sweets, it might mean you’re having a girl. On the flip side, if you’re all about salty snacks, it could suggest a boy. Some say these cravings are influenced by your hormonal changes. However, cravings are pretty personal and can vary a lot, so don’t bet the nursery decor on this one.
4. Morning Sickness and hCG Levels:
If you’re dealing with severe morning sickness, some say it could mean you’re having a boy. This idea comes from a Harvard study linking high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) with more intense nausea, and higher hCG might be associated with a boy.
5. Changes in Hair and AcneLastly, if you’re experiencing more acne, some believe it’s a sign you’re carrying a boy, since higher androgen levels might be to blame. On the other hand, shinier, healthier hair could be linked to higher estrogen levels, possibly pointing to a girl.
While these theories are fun to think about, they’re not really reliable. The most accurate ways to find out your baby’s sex are through an ultrasound, usually around 20 weeks, or through genetic testing. Enjoy the guessing game, but trust the science for the real answer!
Marisa lallonardo, ( November 30, 2023), Myth or Fact: Can You Tell If You're Pregnant with a Boy or Girl?
Olivia Cassano, (January 2, 2019), Pregnancy signs and symptoms that you’re having a boy or a girl
Sarah Williams, (February 3, 2022), 8 Scientific Signs That You're Having a Boy or a Girl
Becky Harrington, (April 3, 2024), Boy or girl – 31 signs during pregnancy
Anisa Arsenault, (February 14, 2017), Boy or Girl? Your Pregnant Body Will React Differently
Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.