Nine Tips for Relieving Pregnancy Sickness
Consider Vitamin B6 Supplements: Vitamin B6 can help reduce nausea and stress. If you choose to take it, consider taking it at night and opt for coated tablets to minimize potential discomfort. Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals: For pregnant women experiencing severe morning sickness, having three large meals a day might be counterproductive. Instead, try eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Separate Eating and Drinking: To avoid feeling overly full, try drinking fluids either before or at least half an hour after eating a meal rather than with it. Try an Acupressure Band: Acupressure bands, available over the counter at many drugstores, can be worn on the wrist (three fingers up from the wrist crease) to help relieve nausea. Incorporate Ginger: Foods and drinks containing ginger, such as ginger ale, ginger candies, or ginger tea, can be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting. Some studies suggest that ginger has beneficial effects in this regard. Avoid Food Triggers: You may have a strong nausea reaction to certain greasy or spicy foods. After identifying these triggers, avoid them to prevent nausea. Some foods may not only avoid causing nausea but also be easier to digest. Don't Fall Asleep Immediately After Eating: Avoid going to sleep right after eating, as lying down immediately may increase nausea due to pressure on the stomach. Sour Foods Can Help Relieve Nausea: In addition to ginger, sour foods can help combat nausea. Lemons, limes, or even sour candies can be effective in curbing the feeling of nausea. Don’t Brush Your Teeth Immediately After a Meal: Brushing your teeth can sometimes induce dry heaves, especially when you’re already suffering from pregnancy sickness. It might be better to wait before brushing your teeth after a meal. References: American pregnancy, Morning Sickness Remedies NHS, (April 17, 2024), Vomiting and morning sickness Themotherbabycenter, (August 25, 2022) Morning sickness: 10 foods that fight nausea during pregnancy Emily Lange, Easing nausea during pregnancy 6 tips Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.